Try our bags for 365 days, if you don't love it, we'll buy it back. Should your bag have any defect or malfunction of material or craftsmanship in the lifetime of the bag, send it back and we'll repair or replace the bag free of charge.
We believe that a life full of adventure requires gear that can keep up with the demands of the road and range. That's why we use only the best materials and construction methods to ensure that our gear looks sharp and can withstand tough conditions to serve you for years to come.
Launched in 2014, Tobacco Motorwear has grown to be a force in the motorcycle apparel industry. We're dedicated to creating premium motorcycle gear, with style and protection that looks great on and off your bike. Tobacco and Pack Animal are complimentary brands that are both committed to quality and style.
Whether you're hiking through the mountains, exploring a new city, or embarking on a cross-country road trip, Pack Animal is here to help you carry your essentials and live up to your adventurous spirit.